Interview – Bulk


1. First of all, please introduce yourself to the readers of TheBritishWrestlingRevival??
I am Bulk, a pro for 18 years and currently part of the unnatural disasters tag team

2. How did you get involved in Wrestling training and would you say this was due to a love of wrestling growing up??
Well I started wrestling training mainly to get fitter as I’d been hanging around when my brother had started training with waw
But yes I was fan of it growing up,from the WOS days when I loved guys like haystacks and scrubber daly,and moving on to WWF admiring guys like LOD and boss man,and I was a huge ECW fan when it first came on the scene

3. You were part of the successful team The UK Pitbulls a few years back, who came up with the idea to have a UK version of The Pitbulls from ECW and do you think if your brother didn’t get his career ending injury you would still be a team today or do you think you would have both retired now??
Well we knew who the pitbulls where but we formed the team about 8 months into my career,it was on a camp show when the name British bulldogs was suggested,uk pitbulls was mentioned straight away as more of a nod to the bulldogs tbh
Also UKP had a great ring to it
I think if Dave was still wrestling we would probably still be working,maybe not as regular as we wer tho,Dave’s body was pretty shot to bits as it was,having a nearly 10 year career as a strongman before he broke into wrestling

4. Speaking of tag teams, you currently team with Karn as The Unnatural Disasters, how did the team form and you have been making quite the name for yourself with Karn do you think you can emulate or further the success you had with Big Dave as The UK Pitbulls??
Well I’d tried retiring but it didn’t feel it was the right time too,and I’d been stuck in limbo since Dave retired,so forming a new team to me was the way forward,I’d worked with karn a few times and knew we would gel well as a team
I’d like to think we can have the same success as UKP did
Although I will say look out for a change in the disasters over the next few months

5. Speaking of The Unnatural Disasters how did it feel to win the Falling Starr Wrestling Tag Team Championships with Karn and do you think anyone on the roster can step up and match you??
It was great getting the belts
FSW has a good roster,most of which we’ve destroyed,stixx has been on the odd FSW show so I’m hoping we get to work with him again soon,maybe S.a.s and Mitch basher would be a good match for us
I’d like to see some old school guys bought in,I’d love to work skull murphy again

6. You were on TNA British BootCamp 2 with Karn, how was this experience for you, what did you learn from it and finally would you recommend it to tag teams or singles wrestlers in the UK if there is a third one??
It was good to be a part off,and to get our name out there,we got a bit of tv time out of it and it’s helped our bookings for sure
Yeah I’d recommend it to anyone,as long as you have the right attitude towards it

7. Outside of Wrestling you are part of a rock band and also have been an actor appearing in Malice in Wonderland with Danny Dyer, are both just hobbies or would you want to make a full time living out of them when you leave Wrestling??
Well I’ve been playing drums in bands since I was 13,so that was my thing well before wrestling and I’ve been in and out of bands for years
As for acting,I sometimes get offered stuff if they are looking for a big scary looking guy,and if it sounds fun I’ll do it

8. Have you got any future ambitions or goals you want to achieve in the future in Wrestling??
I’ve achieved a lot in my wrestling career,and wwe or tna dark match or tv bit part would be nice but I think I’m to old and broken now to be taken seriously buy one of the big company’s
I would like to work in japan though

9. Where can the readers and promoters find yourself and The Unnatural Disasters??

10. Have you got any future dates or projects you wish to plug??
Keep a look out on our Facebook page for upcoming dates

Also check my bands out


Thanks to Falling Starr Wrestling for giving me the chance to conduct this interview and also Thanks to Bulk for taking part in this interview and taking time out of his schedule to complete these, as a thank you please go and support him on social media and there will be more like this coming up only way to find out when they are out is by going to :

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