Interview : ‘White Lightning’ Mark Andrews


1. First of all, please describe yourself to the readers?

I’m Mark Andrews. Junior heavyweight pro wrestling from Cardiff, Wales! I also run the DEFEND Indy Wrestling clothing brand and help run ATTACK! Pro Wrestling.

2. How did you get involved in Wrestling?

Everyone loves wrestling when they’re a kid, so when I was 12 years old, I went to a local NWA Hammerlock show, and they told me there was a training session the next day. Once i’d been to one session, I didn’t stop wrestling every week for the next 9 years, pretty much.

3. Any tips for up and coming wrestlers?

Master the basics, listen to everything your trainers and other wrestlers tell you, but be open minded enough to consider that anything you’ve learnt could be wrong, or could become wrong, as both you progress as a wrestler, and the wrestling scene progresses in general!

4. Of course you and Pete Dunne basically head Defend Indy Wrestling and you even went over to the states for a tour last year, first what is the message you want to put across with DIW and how was your experience in the states and will you be going back anytime soon?

We started up DEFEND Indy Wrestling back when there was a gap in the market for professional wrestling clothing brands. All 3 of us involved in DEFEND are big fans of the pop punk/hardcore music scene, and in my opinion, small subculture music scenes are much more appealing to the public than the indy wrestling scene, due to how they are presented.
There are fashionable clothing brands, niche events and like minded people that represent certain genres of music, which is something that I personally feel independent wrestling lacked.
DEFEND was a way for us to try and make independent wrestling more appealing to those who were unaware that a wrestling scene outside of WWE existed. It was also our way of trying to spread open mindedness and positivity throughout the places we’d wrestle, as we felt that a lot of people in the wrestling industry put limits on what could be achieved, but if we could show others that a clothing brand could become successful, they could open their minds to the idea that breaking the habit of generic marketing and business ideas could help the indy wrestling scene move forward.

5. You also head Attack! Pro Wrestling if I’m correct, how did you get involved in the running of Wrestling shows and what are your ambitions with Attack?

Attack! was originally run by Pete Dunne and Jim Lee. Jim had to stop promoting shows due to other commitments, which is when i decided to step up and help out with promoting shows. I always wanted to wrestle in my hometown as my friends and family were constantly asking when my next local show would be, and there never was one! So after our debut in Cardiff was successful, we decided to continue running there, and it’s turned into a massive outlet for our creativity.
We started getting wacky ideas for shows, and they started to get great reactions both from the live crowd and from an online audience. Like with DEFEND, it’s another example of thinking outside the box in attempt to change the dynamic of cliche professional wrestling. This is our way of testing trial and error with ideas that might catch on, and if they don’t, they’re still incredible rewarding and fun none the less, which is what Attack! is all about!

6. At Southside’s Nottingham double header, you made your debut what did you think of your Southside debut?

I loved working for Southside! I had wanted to be apart of the Southside team for a long time, so I was very grateful to get the opportunity. The crowd were great, the matches were fun, it was a great show to be apart of, and I definitely think Southside are doing a good job of putting the UK on the map within the wrestling world.

7. What are your ambitions for this year and have you got a message for the fans?

This year I want to continue to travel as much as possible, hopefully I can add a new country to this list and finally hit double digits. I want to wrestling in as many fun places as possible, and work with as many creative people as possible. I want to continue to learn and improve, and I want to start even more “out of the box” projects with DEFEND, Attack!, and other ventures!

8. Where can the fans find you on Social media?

Twitter – @mantothedrews, @defendindywres, @ATTACKWrestling

9. Any dates you wish to plug?

15/16 March – Rev Pro
29 March – Southside
30 March – PROGRESS

If you would go and support Mark and his projects at the links above that would be great!

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